Using Climate Fieldview to Capture Your Data
Mar 29, 2023
| Midwest Fertilizer
Finding a way to collect and analyze data on the farm is becoming more and more popular. Once captured, there are numerous ways that this data can be beneficial. This data can be used to help gain insights on a particular piece of ground that can be used to help make management d...
The Importance of Fungicide (and Copper) for Wheat
Mar 29, 2023
| Midwest Fertilizer
We are nearing the time of year where soon we will be making our final applications on the 2023 wheat crop. There are many decisions throughout the wheat growing season that impact the overall success of the crop but whether or not to apply wheat fungicide tends to be the last de...
Protect Your Yield Potential
Mar 29, 2023
| Midwest Fertilizer
Help maximize your nitrogen investment by protecting your side-dress and top-dress applications with nitrogen stabilizer. Whether your fertilizer program includes pre- or post-emergence applications of urea or UAN, all programs can be susceptible to nitrogen loss through ammonia ...
Introducing Saltro from Syngenta: A new soybean seed treatment
Mar 29, 2023
| Midwest Fertilizer
At Mid-West Fertilizer we have always focused on providing high-quality products for your soybean seed treatment needs. This year we will be offering a new product called Saltro, from Syngenta. This will be in addition to our previous lineup.
Using Crop Hail to Cover the Gap
Mar 29, 2023
| Midwest Fertilizer
Crop hail is an additional risk management tool that can work with your Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) policy. Crop hail is not a replacement to the MPCI policy but can help manage the risk for what is growing in your field to where your underlying MPCI policy starts to ...
Using Biologicals in Your Farming Practice
Mar 29, 2023
| Midwest Fertilizer
Farmers spend a great deal of time and money managing the chemical and fertility side of their operations. For the most part, the biological side of fertility and soil health often gets overlooked or not thought of at all. Over the last few years, more and more produc...