Wheat Update- July 2023
Jul 20, 2023

Looking ahead to the 2024 wheat crop, seed variety selection is one of the most important decisions a grower will make. Seed production this year was a challenge due to a drier-than-normal Winter and Spring. MKC is fortunate to have a mix of dryland and irrigated seed production to ensure supply even when we have weather challenges like this year.
For 2024 MKC has a good supply of the following varieties – WB4401, WB4699, and Croplan 70-17.
WB4401 offers a great fit for the continuous wheat, rotated after soybean, and later planted acres.
WB4699 brings a great option for early planted acres and acres following corn.
CP70-17AX offers:
Please visit with your Strategic Account Manager, or location, about your upcoming seed wheat needs.
For 2024 MKC has a good supply of the following varieties – WB4401, WB4699, and Croplan 70-17.
WB4401 offers a great fit for the continuous wheat, rotated after soybean, and later planted acres.
- Grain quality is above average
- Overall yield is very good
- Provides aggressive fall growth for later planting
WB4699 brings a great option for early planted acres and acres following corn.
- Wheat Streak Mosaic tolerance is above average
- It is later to break dormancy, so the threat of spring freeze damage is lessened
- Brings great top end yield potential
CP70-17AX offers:
- Chemical resistance to Aggressor herbicide which offers control of cereal rye, cheat grass species, and volunteer wheats that are not CoAXium tolerant.
- Good option for suppressing hard to control grass weeds in wheat
- Does well on lower pH soils
Please visit with your Strategic Account Manager, or location, about your upcoming seed wheat needs.